An Outdoor Portrait Guide: The Best Time of Day to Take Pictures Outside

Having said that, “A portrait with imaginative scenery is your today’s special MOMENT but tomorrow’s priceless TREASURE!”

During outdoor portraits, the direction of light at the time of the day decides how good your pictures will turn out. The light intensity, according to the concepts of photography, is just like capturing the pure essence of new life that must captivate your heart by adding drops of beauty to your journey, making it stunning!

Setting up in the studio with amazing lighting and styling can make your pictures great, but taking pictures outside is somewhat different in the sense that it can add the aroma of cherished nature with its unimaginable scenery that presents a captivating picture that talk in itself.

For this, change your LENS, change your STORY!

The time of the day best for taking pictures can make things a little trickier. It is beyond everyone’s capability but doesn’t worry because we’re here to give you all know-how of the best time of day to take pictures outside (outdoor portrait guide). For clicking precious and exceptional moments, all you have to do is take your cup of tea, relax on your couch, and read on!

Let’s get started!

The Best Time of the Day to Take Exceptional Shots

Do you want to make your shots outstanding? Then without any further ado, dig deep!

Magical Hours of the Day to Get Outstanding Results

The golden time after sunrise and immediately before sunset is considered the best time of day to take pictures outside. This is the popular time of the day when the low angle of the sun causes natural light to give the scene a golden and soft touch.

Perks of the Golden Period

Mother NATURE doesn’t need any FILTER because during the golden hours of the day with magical light, the SKY IS ALIVE.

During these golden hours, the results can be photogenic and brilliant because it is the time when the sun is low on the horizon touching the sea, and warm light strikes between the landforms and clouds, making the scenery look dreamy!

Sunrise and sunset give a golden splash to your portrait, making it charming and magical.

Duration of Golden Hour

When the day is going to be ended before 30-40 minutes, the magical hours of sunset start. This is the time when deep shadows begin to form, giving a texture to the landscape objects and making the light quite a bit warmer.

When it’s the time of the early morning, magic hours take a few moments before sunrise to 30-40 minutes. It’s the time when light loses its warmth.

Outdoor Portrait Guide

Blue Hours of the Day to Get Mind-Blowing Soothing Results

The sun is up, the sky is BLUE, it’s glamorous, and so are you!

The time of the day when you see illuminating twilight it’s the blue hours of the day with a warm glow giving your pictures a peaceful touch.

Perks of the Blue Hours

While taking pictures during the brightest hours of the day, the twilight gives exceptional results through a “soft with a bit colorful glow.” This amazing touch can give incredible results to your travel or landscape subject, especially wildlife.

Duration of Blue Hours

The time of twilight starts from 30 to 40 minutes just before sunrise when reality blends greatly with fantasy, and dude, believe me, this is magical!

Can’t you feel my words?

That’s the mind-blowing period of the day that can add marvelous texture with a soft gleam to your photography, making it more glamorous.

Midday Light Hours to Give Colorful Glow to Your Photography

Okay, you are now completely aware of sunrise, sunset, and twilight. What do you think about feeling the slight breeze of the middle daylight?

For most of the outdoor portraits, this period is avoided, but actually, this midday light can be flattering for most of the objects because everything in the world has its values.

Perks of Midday Light

On a bright sunny day, the best-photographed object is the slot canyon. For revealing its amazing patterns and colors, you don’t need direct sunlight. Instead, a reflecting light is enough for it to give a colorful glow to them.

Duration of Midday Light

The best time for midday photography is the middle period of the day, as shown by its name.

Overcast Light to Get Imaginative Results

This light is best to shoot for a forest scene, waterfall, streams, and wildlife subjects with a soft and colorless glimpse.

Perks of Overcast Light

The subjects having plenty of native colors are best suited for this light to be photographed. It can create a picture of a blend of nature and fantasy.


Effective and Easy Tips to Take Fantastic Shots in Day Time

There are some effective tips and tricks to shoot your pictures to add more glamour to them. The tips are just a few steps away from you, so let’s look at them!

Take Garden Pictures Just After Sunrise

For the garden pictures, wait about one hour after the sunrise and take an angle when the sun is just behind the plants and your camera focuses on the sun.

This tip is known as backlighting, giving a beautiful rich glow to the vegetation of the garden.

Take Photographs Looking For Texture and Pattern

The light, even with harsh intensity, can work best for the picture taking for pattern and texture because it doesn’t have a main content.

Take Vegetation Pictures Just Below the Plant

When you take photos of vegetation below them, it’ll allow the sunlight to glisten the plant from the upper side with its mind-blowing natural lightning. This tip will create a bright and vibrant look by presenting its green glow.

Make Backgrounds Dark By Using Exposure Compensation

If you’re taking shots while there is hard light, then just click on the “+/-“button (that every camera has) to adjust the darkness. Press on the minus button till the picture gets a nice dark back.

Look for Stylish Walls to create Shadow Pictures

This type of picture will automatically give some strange but interesting results by taking the shadows of people in the portrait.


It’s not all about the best time; it’s just about what you hope to accomplish, making the time best for the pictures. All the times are best if you have the guts to borrow drops of glamour and charm from nature. Hope this article will be sufficient to satisfy you with the best time of day to take pictures outside (outdoor portrait guide). Good luck!

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