Panasonic LUMIX-S-S35E 35mm Review – Best for Portraits, Snapshots, and Documentaries

Panasonic LUMIX-S-S35E 35mm

Panasonic LUMIX-S-S35E 35mm is one the most recommended choices for you if you are a die-hard fan of portraits and snapshots. The best thing about this 35mm lens is that it provides photographers with realistic pictures with precision and depth. The sense of realism you get with this product is not something that other lenses … Read more

Panasonic LUMIX G VARIO LENS, 35-100mm Review – Best Choice for Wildlife and Sports Photography

Panasonic LUMIX G VARIO LENS, 35-100mm, is one of the best products of this brand, with an utterly effective focus range and zoom length. One of the unique things about these lenses is that they can isolate a targeted subject for you by blurring the background.  Another effective feature that separates this lens from a … Read more

Rokinon 135mm F1.8 AF Review – Best for Producing Incredible Bokeh and Impressive Sharp Images

Rokinon 135mm F1.8 AF

Rokinon 135mm F1.8 AF is best known for its classic combination of price and performance. This prime lens from Rokinon is not as flexible as other lenses of lengths 50mm or 85mm. However, you can’t beat this lens when it comes to producing incredibly sharp portraits with inevitable subject isolation.  This characteristic makes them the … Read more